Saturday, 21 April 2012

Be Encouraged!

I have always loved Gerard Manley Hopkins' poetry - both the aesthetics of the sounds that he uses and the meaning of those sounds! I always leave Hopkin's poetry with a sense that in spite of the chaos that we as humans create in the world, God is in this place, breathing his spirit and life into the world and into us.

As an exercise in creativity this afternoon I spent some time playing around with the formatting of one of his poems as a way to reflect on its words and its nuances. Please read and be encouraged that in spite of the fact that this world we live in is wrought with injustice, it is also CHARGED with God's grandeur!

(And because I am and always will be a fan of MLA formatting, here is my work cited list:

Hopkins, Gerard. "God's Grandeur." Gerard Manley Hopkins: Poems and Prose. Comp. W.H. Gardner. Londond: Penguin Books, 1985. 27. Print.) 

1 comment:

  1. I like it. I like that you turned it into an art piece as well :)
